

'Hotel Rotterdam, Wake up in Artchitecture 2014' could be organized thanks to participation of
International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR) and Rotterdam Festivals.

  • Rotterdam Festivals

    Rotterdam Festivals is responsible for Rotterdam's events policy. We help to provide a unique, interesting, innovative and characteristic range of festivals for the city. From putting together the events calendar to providing financiel support based on clear criteria. We also ensure that knowledge is exchanged within the sector.

  • International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam

    The sixth edition of the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam officially opens on 28 May 2014 in the Kunsthal and the Museum of Natural History in Rotterdam. The exhibition is open to the public from 29 May until 24 August 2014. The Dutch landscape architect Dirk Sijmons is the curator, and the theme is Urban by Nature.

  • Kunsthal

    The Kunsthal Rotterdam stages some 25 exhibitions a year. It presents culture in the widest sense of the word: old art, new art, design, photography - from elitist to popular. The Kunsthal frequently experiments with themes which in many cases provide the first impulse for an exhibition. More than 3300 square metres of exhibition space are available in the striking building designed by Rotterdam architect Rem Koolhaas.

  • Winy Maas

    MVRDV was set up in Rotterdam (Netherlands) in 1993 by Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs and Nathalie de Vries. In close collaboration the 3 principal architect directors produce designs and studies in the fields of architecture, urbanism and landscape design.

  • Rotterdam Partners

    The new Rotterdam Partners foundation has been officially launched on 1 January 2014. Economic Development Board Rotterdam, Rotterdam Investment Agency and Rotterdam Marketing have joined forces to make an even more efficient and effective contribution to enhancing Rotterdam's economy and city marketing.

  • Jeroen Hoorn

    Bureau Jeroen Hoorn, architect, Rotterdam


  • Jos Dirkse


    Vespers Invest B.V.

  • Boom & Tuin

    Sijp Tewitt, our transport hero!

  • AIR

    AIR is het architectuurcentrum van Rotterdam. Het daagt uit tot het publieke en professionele gesprek over de architectuur, stedenbouw en landschapsarchitectuur van Rotterdam en zijn regio.

  • Natuurhistorisch Museum Rotterdam

    Het museum is gevestigd in het Museumpark in de monumentale Villa Dijkzigt uit 1851 die in 1995 is uitgebreid met een modern glazen paviljoen.
Bureau Stadsnatuur Rotterdam (onderdeel van het museum)  is actief op het gebied van advies en beleid ; tevens onderzoekt en inventariseert het bureau de flora en fauna in de gemeente Rotterdam.

  • Blue Chili Creative

    "Blue Chili Creative is our creative partner. They are responsible for the technical development of the website and also helped to bring the initial ideas to life. Work on the website still continues and always will."

copyright Wake up in It. all rights reserved

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